Support Catalogue
The Support Catalogue enables you to apply secure packages, updates, and patches to your devices directly from Crypto Command Center.
If no secure packages are uploaded to the Support Catalogue, an empty state text displays prompting the CCC administrator to upload secure packages to this page.
Here's a video that demonstrates how you can upload and apply a secure package downloaded from the Thales Customer Support Portal:
Upload Package
The Upload Package feature allows the user to upload a secure package file downloaded from the Luna Network HSM support portal to the Support Catalogue. The package is uploaded to Support Catalogue as a .tar file.
To upload a secure package
Navigate to the Support Catalogue.
Click Upload Package. A modal window to upload the package appears on the screen.
Browse for a .tar file to upload.
Select the .tar file downloaded from the support portal.
Click Upload to upload the selected .tar file.
The upload button is disabled until a .tar file is selected. An error message displays if a file type other than .tar is uploaded or the selected file is missing a usable SKPG file or auth file.
If the package is uploaded , an Upload successful message displays. If the package upload fails, an Upload failed message appears on the screen.
To validate checksum of uploaded secure package
When the secure package uploads successfully to CCC, a Verify package modal window appears on the screen.
Click the text box to enter the checksum retrieved from the Luna Network HSM support portal.
Click Verify.
If the checksum value is not entered in the text box, the Verify button remains disabled.
A verify package indeterminate progress bar appears on the screen.
If the package verification gets completed, a package successfully verified message appears on the screen.
Click Ok. An 'Upload successful' modal window appears on the screen.
Click Close to close the modal window.
If the package verification fails, a package verification failed message appears on the screen.
Click Try Again to enter a new checksum retrieved from the Luna Network HSM support portal or click Cancel verification to abort the package verification.
To cancel uploading a secure package
To cancel the uploading of the secure package:
Click Cancel Upload to abort the upload process. A modal window to cancel the process appears on the screen.
Click Yes, Cancel to cancel the package upload process.
Click No, return to upload to continue the package upload process.
If the package upload process is canceled, any artifacts of the uploaded package is deleted from CCC.
To list the uploaded secure packages
To view the list of uploaded secure packages as tiles on Support Catalogue, navigate to the Support Catalogue. The uploaded secure packages are displayed as tiles with following information:
Name of the secure package
Apply package button
View Details button
All the uploaded secure packages are displayed as tiles on the Support Catalogue page and are sorted by their upload date in descending order.
To view details of an uploaded secure package
Click View Details. A Package Details modal window with following information about the uploaded secure package appears on the screen:
Name | The name of uploaded secure package. |
Uploaded On | The date and time of the uploaded secure package. |
Uploaded By |
User Email ID. |
File size | The file size of the uploaded secure package. |
Auth Code | The auth code of the uploaded secure package. |
Delete Package | Specifies a button to delete a secure package |
You can select an individual device to view more detailed information.
To delete a secure package
Click Delete Package. A confirmation modal window appears on the screen.
Click Delete to delete the secure package from the CCC server, or click Cancel to close the confirmation modal window.
A Deleting Package progress bar appears on the screen.
When the secure package is deleted successfully, a pop up message, "Package successful deleted" appears on the screen.
If the secure package deletion fails, an error message displays in a modal window with two options:
Try Again
Select Try Again to re-initiate the secure package deletion process or Cancel to abort the secure package deletion process.
Apply Package
The Apply Package feature allows user to apply a secure package to a device. User can select a device from the device selection list. The device selection list includes the following details:
Device Name | The name of the device. |
Host Name | The Hostname or IP address of the device. |
Appliance |
The software version of the device. |
Firmware | The Firmware of the device. |
Serial Number | The serial number of the device. |
To apply a secure package
To apply a secure package, the following prerequisites are required:
The device version should be 7.3 or above.
The Rest API version should be 7 or above.
Once the prerequisites are met, perform these steps to apply a secure package to a device:
If the selected secure package is validated, the CCC administrator skips the step number 2, 3,4,5 and proceeds to step number 6.
If the selected secure package is not validated, the Verify package modal page appears.
Copy and paste the checksum retrieved from the Luna Network HSM support portal.
Click Verify to proceed with checksum verification or click Cancel to abort the apply package process.
The verification continues to check if the secure package downloaded from the support portal is successfully transferred to the Support Catalogue.
When the checksum verification completes, the package successfully verified message appears on the screen.
Click Ok. The Select Device wizard appears on the screen.
To select a device and display device info
Select a device from the device selection list or Cancel to close the modal window without applying the secure package to the selected device.
To apply a secure package, only one device is selected at a time.
Click Next. If CCC successfully connects to the device, the Device Info wizard appears with the following information:
If there are no partitions listed on the device, the CCC administrator can proceed with applying the secure package to the device. However, if CCC administrator wants to create a partition before proceeding, you should create a service in the Crypto Services tab.
If CCC cannot successfully connect to the device, the Device Info Error wizard appears with the following information:
Host Name |
Specifies host name. |
Appliance Version | Specifies version of Appliance or device. |
Firmware Version | Specifies version of the firmware installed on the device. |
Serial No | Specifies serial number of the device. |
Partitions List | Specifies list of the partitions available on the device. |
Warning Notification | Specifies a message, "Applying a package to this device will temporarily interrupt service to the partitions listed below as well as any unmanaged partitions that are on the device". |
Cancel | Specifies a button to close the modal window. |
Previous | Specifies a button to return to step 1 of the modal window. |
Continue | Specifies a button to display step 3 of the modal window. |
Error message | Displays a message, "CCC could not connect to this device". |
Cancel | Specifies a button to close the modal window. |
Previous | Specifies a button to return to step 1. |
Continue |
This button is disabled. |
If a device is not selected, the Next button is disabled.
The user is restricted from performing any actions on CCC GUI during the package update process.
The user can apply the secure package to both PED or Password type devices.
To confirm package application
Click Continue. A confirmation wizard for package application appears on the screen. It includes three steps:
Upload package to the device
Verify package and update the device
Reboot the device
Type Proceed.
Click Apply Package.
The Upload package to the device step highlights and a loading bar appears. If the secure package upload process fails, an Upload failed modal window appears with two options:
Try Again
Cancel Upload
Select Try Again to re-initiate the upload secure package process or select Cancel Upload to abort the upload secure package process.
When user selects Cancel Upload, the Upload failed modal window closes and a red cross (x) displays with respect to step 1.
If upload package to the device process gets completed successfully, a green check appears.
The verify package and update the device step gets highlighted and a loading bar appears. If the verifying and updating the device process gets completed successfully, a green check appears.
If verifying and updating the device process fails, an Update failed message appears and the device remains offline until the verify and update process is re-initiated.
The Reboot the device step gets highlighted and a loading bar appears.
The device is rebooted only if apply a secure package completes successfully.
Click Done to close the apply package page.
When an unknown error occurs in any of the three steps during secure package application to the selected device, a Package application failed message appears and the device remains offline until the secure package update process is re-initiated.
To apply a secure package by adding a device
Click APPLY PACKAGE. A modal window appears on the screen. When devices are not available, the following information appears on the modal window:
Text Specifies a message, "There are currently no devices being managed by Crypto Command Center to apply this package to".
Add a device button Specifies a button to add a device. Close button Specifies a button to close the modal window. -
Click Add a device to open Devices page and Add device modal window or click the Close button to close the APPLY PACKAGE modal window.
To update Firmware on a single device
Click Devices tab. A list of devices appears on the screen.
Select a device to update firmware. The device information appears on the screen.
In the General tab, the Current Firmware Version and the Available Firmware Version Update options are available.
Click Update to X.X.X available under Available Firmware Version Update. A modal window to update device firmware appears on the screen.
X.X.X is the new firmware version available for update. If there is no firmware version available for update, No updates available displays under Available Firmware Version Update.
Type Proceed.
Click Update to continue the firmware update process or Cancel to abort the firmware update process.
When the firmware update process is successful, a confirmation message with a green check appears on the screen.
Click Ok. If the firmware update process is not successful, a Firmware update failed modal window displays.
Click Close to close the modal window.
The firmware upgrade is supported on devices' version 7.2 or above.